Sa Mola
The arrival of the archaeologist Joan Flaquer Fàbregues’ collection to the Museu de Menorca led to a series of studies on a significant set of 269 high-bottomed cups (HBC). Research on these pieces allowed for their association with a funerary hypogeum located on the Sa Mola estate (Alaior).
According to data from the period, Joan Flaquer and Antoni Vives Escudero excavated the site in 1915 and 1916, unearthing a notable collection of these receptacles. One hundred years later, the Museu’s technical team resumed research at the site, and the updated archaeological record, from between the 3rd and 2nd centuries AD, has demonstrated a connection between the material remains discovered in front of the hypogeum and a funerary practice involving commensality and offerings honouring the deceased.