De gira por España. Bicentenario del Museo del Prado Copia

The Royal Museum of Painting and Sculpture, which in 1868 was renamed Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura and later Museo Nacional del Prado, opened to the public on 19 November 1819 with 311 paintings from the Royal Collection, all by Spanish authors, hanging on its walls. This year, therefore, the bicentenary of this museum is celebrated and for this reason a series of activities have been prepared that have been sheltered under the program 1819-2019 Bicentenary of the Prado Museum.


Among these activities, the exhibition On tour through Spain.This exhibitionconsists of the loan of a painting of special relevance for a period of one month, to different museums chosen from among the best in the country, one for each community and autonomous city  ònoma (except Madrid).

In the case of the Museum of Menorca, the work of Geroges de La Tour will be exhibited, Ciego tocando la zanfonía.